Become the real estate agent you deserve to be.

Are you ready for your best year ever?

David Schlichter has bicycled across the country, taught in the Denver Public Schools with Teach For America, worked in the White House under President Obama, earned an MBA, and spent the last 12+ years leading one of the country’s highest producing real estate teams.

In the 4-week 8-session Full Impact Sprint launching in Fall 2024, he will guide a group of Compass real estate agents through the most important activities that agents can be focusing on right now to finish 2024 strong and set themselves up for their best year ever. Attendees will receive 8 live online group coaching sessions, templates/trackers/tools they can use to grow and organize their business, action steps that will help them generate real momentum, access to a new network of agents with whom they can collaborate and exchange client referrals, and an invitation to an exclusive happy hour with other participants at the 2024 Compass REtreat.

Introducing the Full Impact Sprint

The Full Impact Sprint is a 4-week 8-session group coaching program developed by David Schlichter to help Compass agents make 2024 their best year of their professional and personal lives while making their careers more intentional, enjoyable, sustainable, and profitable. Watch to learn more!

The Full Impact Sprint is for you if:

You’re experiencing success, but you’re winging it.

We’ll help you grow your business while giving you resources to make it more organized, systematic, and effective.

You want to have a better work/life balance.

We’ll help you to level up at work to slow down at home, improving your productivity and quality of life concurrently.

You want to grow and scale your business.

We’ll show you how to grow your team, close more deals, and align team members around your goals and objectives.

You want to be an even better agent for your clients.

We’ll give you tools that will ensure consistency and improve quality—while enhancing your reputation along the way.

This program will help you level up at work while creating the balance you deserve in your life.